Sending Files:
We accept files in a variety of ways:
– e-mailing files is the quickest way for us to receive files. We only recommend sending files under 8 MB in size via e-mail. We can accept larger files but it takes much longer to attach them (on your side) and a long time to download (on our side). We can also accept files via CD,DVD, or data stick/USB. We also have FTP information available upon request.
File set up:
– Fonts should be embedded, converted to outlines, or sent along with the job
– Images should ideally be 300dpi and desired print size (Enlarging web images for large format printing is not recommended!)
– Four colour CMYK.
Type of files:
The following are some of the most common file types we receive. We can accept other types…you can ask one of our staff for more information to see if your files are supported.
– AI, PDF (preferably saved in “Press Quality”), EPS, CDL, or other vector biased software.
– PSD, TIFF, JPG, BMP (Saved at a high resolution)
Vector vs Image:
Vector biased files are made up of a series of lines and points. This type of file can be enlarged with no degradation in the image. We also use these files to create cutting paths on our machines. If you want to cut out an image, vector lines must be drawn on top of it.
Images are more correctly called Raster files. These are made up of tiny little dots of colour. When looked at from a distance the dots blur together to make the image. A good example is when you look very closely at a cheap magazine. You can see all the little dots. These images allow for a wide colour gamut but are dependant on what resolution they are saved at. If you blow up a file saved at a low resolution (something from the web) you will start to see the little dots. Resolution is the clarity of an image. Resolution is dependant on something called DPI (dots per inch). In a perfect world the files we print would be 300 DPI at the desired print size. Sometimes we can get away with a bit less but it is dependant on the application.
Most files we receive will require additional work to make them “Print Ready”. Additional costs may be added if files need excessive re working.